--- title: Tailwind CSS User Settings Page - Flowbite description: Get started with a free and open-source admin dashboard layout built with Tailwind CSS and Flowbite featuring charts, widgets, CRUD layouts, authentication pages, and more layout: dashboard footer: true ---

User settings

Jese picture

Profile picture

JPG, GIF or PNG. Max size of 800K

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Social accounts

Other accounts

  • Bonnie image

    Bonnie Green

    New York, USA

    Last seen: 1 min ago

  • Jese image

    Jese Leos

    California, USA

    Last seen: 2 min ago

  • Thomas image

    Thomas Lean

    Texas, USA

    Last seen: 1 hour ago

  • Lana image

    Lana Byrd

    Texas, USA

    Last seen: 1 hour ago

General information

Password information


  • California

    Chrome on macOS

  • Rome 24.456.355.98

    Safari on iPhone

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